Hi there,

I am Ronald Lambino

a passionate web developer

Experienced Web Developer with passion for creating attractive and interactive websites meeting customer needs and exceeding expectations.



html56 years
css36 years
sass6 years
bootstrap6 years
tailwind3 years
javascript6 years
jquery6 years
typescript6 months
vue6 years
react1 year
piniapinia3 years
redux1 year


php6 years
laravel6 years
nodejs6 months
expressjs6 months
socket.io6 months


mysql6 years
redis2 years
mongo db6 months


npm6 years
composer6 years
vite3 years
webpack3 years
xampp6 years
git6 years
github5 years
gitlab6 years
docker2 years


Inspira: MVC Framework

A Laravel-inspired framework. The sole purpose of this project is for me to understand how Laravel works under the hood, deepens my knowledge with PHP, and follow PSR convention.

  • Routing
  • View
  • Service Container
  • Collection
php 8dockerapachepsr

Laravel Uploadable

An open source laravel package that automagically handles the file uploads for your uploadable models.

  • Automatically handle single or multiple file uploads for your uploadable models
  • Create a database entry for each file uploaded in uploads table containing all the necessary information about the file and the model it is attached to
  • Customize the file name and path location of the uploaded files
  • With built in validation rules for different types like images, videos, and documents
  • Ability to customize the validation rules or completely disable them if you already have your own validation rules in your form request
  • Ability to manually handle the file upload if needed
  • Ability to temporarily disable the file upload if needed
  • Ability to either add the new uploads to and existing uploads or replace the existing uploads with the new ones when updating the uploadable model
  • With built in relationship methods for your model to easily query the uploaded files attached to them
  • Ability to run a callback function when a new file is uploaded
  • Ability to put the file upload process into a queue and run it in the background


A simple task management app built with simplicity in mind.

  • Sign up or sign in to an existing account
  • Create, edit, delete statuses
  • Drag and drop status to sort it
  • Create, edit, and delete priority levels
  • Create, edit, delete, and manage tasks
  • Ability to create a task with images
  • Ability to group tasks by creating a parent task
  • On kanban display, drag and drop task to move it to its new status
  • On table display, move task to its new status forward or backward according to the ordering of the status
  • Update user information in the profile section


A simple social media app that allows user to upload images or videos, like, and comment to a post.

  • Sign up or sign in to an existing account
  • Post up to 5 media such as images and videos
  • Comment on a post
  • Like a post
  • Newsfeed algorithm based on engagement and recency

Dictionary App

A dictionary app with phonetics and audio.

  • Word of the day
  • Spelling Game

Online TicTacToe

An online TicTacToe game where two players can play against each other.


Image to ASCII

An image processing application that converts images into ASCII characters.

  • Create an ASCII version of an image
  • Download the generated ASCII image


Handling File Uploads in Laravel, Automatically.
Handling File Uploads in Laravel, Automatically.

Managing your file uploads in Laravel is really easy... or is it? Actually, it is really easy, and... read more

DI Container: What is it and how to create one
DI Container: What is it and how to create one

Have you ever wondered how does Laravel provide us an instance of a class that we’re injecting on our... read more

Database Normalization: Simplifying your tables
Database Normalization: Simplifying your tables

Database normalization Is a process in database design that helps eliminate data... read more

SOLID Principle with Laravel
SOLID Principle with Laravel

SOLID Principle with Laravel What is SOLID principle? The SOLID principles are a set of... read more

How I structure my CSS
How I structure my CSS

When doing CSS, I always recommend doing it with mobile-first approach. This way, we can ensure that... read more
